Monday, January 21, 2008

HGTV's "Designed to Sell" in Rogers Park

Taniya Nayak and company were within blocks with their subtle black and white sign just off of Touhy just north of Bakers Square. HGTV's Designed to Sell prepared 7233 N. Oakley for sale and filmed last weekend. Although I am unsure when the episode will air, I saw the obscure black magic marker bill board at about 4pm on Sunday. Did Taniya and company contact Did Designed to sell contact the bloggers or any local media? I think that the sign is still posted, perhaps, in disappointment.

I don't know when 7233 N. Oakley will appear on HGTV, but RP has quite a bit to promote and fix up. Maybe Scripp can come up with a show to fix up storefronts and restaurants; we have a few indeed in need. For those who are interested, you may want to encourage conduits capable of promoting property. The nearby Office Max and Kinkos could have provided slicker signage. If more neighbors knew that "Designed to Sell" was in Rogers Park, would they have stopped by? Have any other properties been featured on HGTV? Does anyone know when HGTV will air this episode? Will HGTV return?

If HGTV provides advanced notice on future filming, or is curious, then I will see whether it has any interest or need for the neighbors. Of course, once they are done, we can find out when the show or shows air, as well. They are a neat little fix up trick and it is always nice to see our neighborhood with something good going on. Perhaps, if the permits were not in order, perhaps, Chicago can encourage them to return and work on someone else's home or condo with proper permits, so as not to alienate it. We have needs for those who want to stick around, as well.

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